2015年7月23日 星期四

Use LiveCode to Create Android Launcher

Few weeks ago, people ask me if LiveCode can create an android launcher. Today, I've make a quick demo. Surprisingly it's very easy to accomplish with my new external called "HaoUtil1". This external include some useful function in android environment. Such as, log message to Logcat, toast message on screen. One of these functions is to get all installed application's information(name, icon, package name etc.). So, here's the screenshot.

With this function, I can display all the apps. Here I pick only the first 9 apps.

By clicking these icons. It should open corresponding app. Here's comes another external function includes in HaoUtil1. "haoLaunchApp" can provide you the ability to open other apps that installed in your device, inside your LiveCode stacks.

To prove this is a real launcher app, click the home button on mobile phone.

You can see the two selection. One is HTC device default home(launcher) app the other is my LiveCode launcher.

This is a very rough demo. Still have lot of things to do. But it did verify that LiveCode really can do about just anything. So keep going LiveCoders :)